Nashville Software School · Data Science Cohort 3 Demo Day

Nashville Software School Data Science Cohort 3

Come see us demo on June 11!

We did it! We could not have done it without the incredible support of the staff at Nashville Software School, our instructors, and the amazing community partners who donated their time to help us with mock interviews, educating us on the career we are moving into, and consistently providing ongoing mentorship throughout the last 9 months. We thank you! And, to our entire class, despite our differences, we shared our background knowledge and experiences to contribute towards our common goal of learning all we could about data analysis, prediction and visualization. We are a great team!
The students of NSS Data Science Cohort 3 would like to thank the following people and organizations.

Our Workshop Leaders

  • Jason King
  • Blaise Gratton
  • Andrew Marsee

To the Community

We appreciate your time, your support and your guidance. You readily answered all of our questions, took us through real world interview experiences and made us feel encouraged in our paths to becoming data professionals. We look forward to continuing to build meaningful relationships with each and every one of you!

  • Eric Appelt
  • Lindsey Basler
  • Chris Collins
  • Keith Durbin
  • Sharon Smith
  • Erin Williams
  • Stacy Jones
  • Mikil Taylor
  • Josh Threet
  • Bruce Gronich
  • Jon Julian
  • Dinesha Vittaldas
  • Pete Brumm
  • Megan McGee
  • Jason King
  • Chris Morgan
  • Matthias Mueller
  • Lindsey Clark
  • Joe Porter
  • Rob Harrigan
  • Lance Hahn
  • Amit Misra
  • Justin Ward
  • Todd Munyon
  • Jeremiah Lewis
  • Shruti Sharma
  • Alyssa Lackey
  • Harmon Gage
  • Alan Huffman
  • John Liu
  • Tim Blass
  • Erica Zuhr
  • Ray Pasek
  • Matt Lewis
  • Joshua Bandstra
  • Bobby Gambrel
  • Kathy Thomas
  • Skipper Seabold

Nashville Software School

While our journey at NSS has been long and winding due to the unpredictability that arose from COVID-19, we continued to feel supported from day 1! We learned the value of remote learning and how this ability to work in a virtual environment could benefit us as we start to look for our first data position post-graduation. We were afforded the tools and resources needed to be successful. Thank you NSS for making this possible.

Special Thanks To:

John Wark, Founder/CEO

Thank you for giving Nashville residents from different educational backgrounds an opportunity to become data scientists. Nashville Software School is such an inspiring and supportive community. At the beginning of the program, we were told “you will be more comfortable with the uncomfortable,” and now we are!

Mary van Valkenburg, Program Manager

Thank you for making sure everything went as scheduled from the moment we were selected into the program through the entire bootcamp. The experience of working with real employers and real data questions was invaluable.

Kristin McKinney, Career Development and Employer Engagement Manager

We cannot thank you enough for helping us build relationships with the tech community. You instilled the importance of Linkedin and having a well built resume and we are confident that we are prepared for the career opportunities to come.

Michael Holloway, Instructor; Glenna Dunn and Hari Tanjore, Teaching Assistants

‘I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.’ –Socrates

We thank you for not only being a great teacher, but also for always encouraging us to think. We learned the value of being open-minded and to constantly satiate our curiosity. We asked millions of questions and you patiently answered them all. You are intelligent, easy to work with, and so many other great qualities. You took us on a journey full of challenges and because of you, we became fearless.

Glenna and Hari were right there with us every step of the way. Thank you for your never ending support of our journey and also gladly fielding every question we threw at you.

You are all AWESOME and truly the best.